born 1946 in Switzerland, freelance in Germany since 1969, based in Neuss (between Dusseldorf and Cologne)
photographer for documentary on location in editorial and corporate work, architecture, landscape, people, industrial. analogue and digital.

worked for major magazines like GEO, stern, Spiegel, merian, ZEIT-Magazin, Lufthansa Bordbuch. publications in books and calenders, exhibitions.
....look up list of editorial clients if interested!

corporate work
for advertising agencies and companies like ERCO- lighting
(since 28 years), Volkswagen, BMW, Duales System Deutschalnd, planmoebel, Werhahn (annual report since 12 years) ....look up list of corporate clients if interested!

established 1986 together with Henning Christoph the stock-agency "Das Fotoarchiv." in Essen.

Since december 2004 new online stock archive:

camera-equipment analogue: 35mm, 6x6 cm, 6x8 cm
equipment digital: Nikon D3X, 1 pic 70 MB, Nikon lenses 14-200 mm, Scanner 35mm-slides or negatives 4000dpi, CD & DVD-burning, data- transmission online, digital imaging (photoshop) and printing til A3